About Us

Ali Bagley

Happiest when spending time with her family and her dog, Teddy, Ali is also passionate about puzzles. Solving them.

“Bidding is all about solving puzzles; matching your offer with the clients requirements, demonstrating benefits, pulling all the pieces together to craft a comprehensive proposal to the client.”

Ali leads on all of our bid work, managing our writers and assuring the quality of written work for our clients.

She has 15+ years in developing, writing and managing bids in both the public and private sector as well as developing and delivering bid training. Having honed her craft in corporate she now uses those skills and competencies to drive excellence for her clients at Kindridge.

“Bidding begins and ends with understanding exactly what the client is looking for. The key to this is a deep dive into the issued documents plus a fair bit of research into their values and drivers.”

Sarah Cowell

Happiest when playing tennis and entertaining friends Sarah is also incredibly passionate about people.

“I love the buzz of networking, finding out about what people do and making connections. The conversations resulting from these have opened so many doors to opportunities, not only in bringing clients to Kindridge but in being able to support those clients with connections to help their businesses too.”

Sarah is our front of house. She will be the person who has that first conversation with you to discover where you want your business to go and how we can help you with that.

She has a successful background in sales and marketing in various different organisations. Through it all she has discovered that it’s people that count, what they need, what their drivers are, and from that, what needs to happen to make them successful.

“I want to know about you and your business, what moves you, makes you tick. What your goals are and the reason why you do what you do. If we can help you to grow that, brilliant, if not, there will be opportunities we can point you to through all the connections we have.”

Keith Trubshaw

Happiest when on stage performing with his guitar Keith is an author, engineer and serial entrepreneur.

He is the man in the Lonely Seat. An entrepreneur who knows how difficult it can be when the buck stops with you.

He knows the pressure you are under, decisions to make, no-one upstairs to push issues up to, not enough hours in the day.

Keith works with us in our business specifically to support you in growing your business without more pressure. He reminds us of our goal of helping businesses grow, businesses of all sizes, budgets and capabilities, particularly those where the person making the decisions is also, ‘in the Lonely Seat’.

He’s also our tea boy and makes the best Keithy coffee too!

Book a chat with Sarah to start your growth journey