Unleash the Leader in You: What flavour are you?

Leadership is like a box of assorted chocolates – so many flavours, it might just make your head spin! From presidents and prime ministers to managers and directors, each leader brings their unique blend of styles, making the whole leadership journey a bit of a tasty mystery.

So, let’s take a look at the many ‘concepts’ about Leadership and the abundance of literature on the subject, including guidelines, recommendations, approaches, and accounts of influential leaders throughout history which serve as much to confuse as to educate.

  1. Leader Flavors Galore!

Get ready for a leadership taste test! Formal leaders, informal leaders, and all sorts of styles in between – it’s like a buffet of leadership approaches.

Throughout your life, you’ll likely encounter various types of leaders. Formal leaders are those we elect or appoint to positions of authority, such as politicians or presidents of local clubs.

Informal leaders or those we admire through their wisdom and experience such as when it comes to the elders of a people, or our grandparents; or by virtue of their know-how and contribution on a given area such as Albert Einstein in the field of Academic Physics and Leonardo da Vinci in the area of the Arts.

Both formal and informal leaders employ a combination of leadership styles, including Lewin’s authoritative, participative, and delegative styles, Likert’s exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative, and participative styles, and Goleman’s six emotional leadership styles: visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding.

But hold on, do all great leaders share some secret sauce of skills that sets them apart? I agree that there are indeed different flavours of leader however, to be great leaders they will have certain traits or skills which set them apart, right?

  1. Becoming a Leader: Nature vs. Nurture

Are leaders born, or do they pop out of the leadership oven fully baked? Like learning to ride a bike, leadership is a skill you can hone. Grab your leadership recipe book, attend workshops, and sprinkle in some daily interactions – voila!

Although particular individuals seem to be birthed with innate leadership qualities, without the ideal setting and exposure, they may fall short in developing their full capacity.

So, exactly like learning how to ride a bike, you can additionally learn exactly how to end up being a leader and hone your leadership capabilities. Expertise on leadership theories and abilities might be gained by enlisting in leadership workshops, workshops, and conferences.

Daily interactions with individuals supply the possibility to observe and exercise leadership theories.

By combining formal and informal learning, individuals can develop leadership attitudes and insights, perpetuating a cycle of continuous improvement. Leadership is not a destination, but a lifelong journey; each day presents new challenges that test one’s knowledge, skills, and attitude, making ongoing learning essential for effective leadership.

Is leadership a lifelong journey or just a scenic route? Do we become leaders or are we just born leaders?

  1. Leadership Selfie: It Starts with You

Put on your leadership cape and fly into action in your daily life! Leaders aren’t just talk; their actions speak volumes.

To cultivate leadership qualities, it’s essential to apply them in your daily life. As the saying goes, ‘actions speak louder than words.’

Leaders are often in the spotlight, and their credibility is closely tied to their actions, such as how they interact with their loved ones, colleagues, and even the way they communicate with strangers, like introductions at networking events or how they talk to waiters and shop assistants.

Consistent actions can become habits, which ultimately shape a person’s character.

Is leadership a path we choose through self-improvement, or is it a role thrust upon us by others? Strike a pose and let’s find out!

  1. Leadership: Sharing is Caring or The Lonely Seat?

Is leadership a solo gig or a group dance? Picture this: a team where leadership is like a potluck, everyone bringing their own dish.

In a collaborative setting, leadership may not be limited to a single individual but can be distributed among team members. Each member has a specific role and set of responsibilities, and formal leadership positions are additional roles that complement their existing responsibilities within the team.

Effective leadership is achieved when all members contribute their share of work, and social interaction plays a significant role in this process. Trust is essential in building a cohesive team, and it is developed through actions and mutual respect among leaders and members. This trust fosters confidence and allows the team to work together effectively towards a common goal.

Can any situation where leadership is shared be truly workable or does there always need to be the ultimate leader in the lonely seat, calling the shots?

  1. Leadership Styles: Mix and Match!

It’s a style showdown! Dictatorial, collaborative, or participative – pick your leadership fashion based on the context. In times of crisis, grab the autocratic cape; in moments of peace, don the participative hat.

The effectiveness of a leadership style can vary depending on the context in which it is applied. In some cases, a dictatorial approach may be successful, while in others, a more collaborative or participative style may be more appropriate.

The current state of a nation or organization, including factors such as culture, beliefs, values, and the level of crisis, can influence the leadership style that is most effective. In times of crisis, a more autocratic approach may be necessary, while in times of peace and stability, a more participative style may be more suitable.

Additionally, the level of competence and motivation of the team being led can also impact the choice of leadership style, with a more delegative approach being effective for highly motivated and competent teams, and a more directive approach being necessary for teams with low competence and commitment.

Styles may need to be adapted however the same skills make the cut in every situation, and if so, what’s the winning recipe?

In summary

Embarking on this rollercoaster of leadership exploration, uncovering the truths, myths, and maybe a few surprises along the way is not for the faint hearted.

It has twists and turns and ultimately lands you in that lonely seat. Are you ready to spice up your leadership journey!


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